
You see your doctor and dentist at yearly check ups to help prevent and address illness before it arises.  
What if joint degeneration, nerve impingement, or falls started showing signs well before requiring surgery or medications?  What if we could delay or prevent the need for surgery or medication altogether?  This is where our yearly or semi annual evaluation can be beneficial.  
This is a comprehensive once over.  We look at global functional movements to pick up mobility or stability deficits at 30,000 feet view and then progress to pick out specific impairments.  
We then take a look at your fitness level as this has been shown to be linked to risk of developing metabolic diseases as well as cancer, and Alzheimer’s disease  We are committed helping you not just live longer but to live longer better.  
So what does this look like…
Comprehensive medical history discussing past surgeries/procedures, medications, sleep habits, current training, nutrition, as well as goals for now and the future.  What do you want to be doing at 60, 70, 80, 90 even 100 years old?  
Functional Movement Screen: from head to toe we see how you move and pick out deficits in particular body regions that, if we address, can reduce load on your joints, improve function and prolong the activities that matter most to you.
Closer evaluation of particular body regions looking at joint and soft tissue mobility, strength, stability and balance This is often where we figure out why a particular movement is “off” and how it is affecting joint and soft tissue health surrounding the particular body region.
Fitness Testing: Here we estimate your VO2 max which has been proven to be a strong predictor of fitness and recent evidence shows may be one of the early indicators of metabolic diseases like diabetes.
We take all the information and put together a plan of action, tailored to you, and partner with you in providing the support necessary for you to reach your goals.  We want you to function like someone 10 to 20 years younger than your age.  

This evaluation and support provide the tools to make this happen.  Longevity is about not just living longer, but living the way you want to live right up to your last day.

Let Me Be Your Sherpa!

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