What is Sports Medicine?

Sports medicine is a branch of medicine that deals with physical fitness and the treatment and prevention of injuries related to sports.   Sadly, when it comes to injury, with traditional physical therapy there is often a disconnect between rehabilitation professionals, coaches, and doctors when an athlete progresses from injury to returning to their sport.   

Too often we see clients that have been discharged from other physical therapists that can pass very little of their return to play testing; the coach is in the dark on how what restrictions or intensity the player can perform, and the player has done very little soccer specific training to prepare for their sport.  

Getting back to play quickly and safely requires stringent return to play testing as well as close soccer specific rehabilitation and communication with the player/parents, coaches, and doctors.  This provides an athlete with the lowest risk of reinjury and the greatest chance of playing to your full potential.

Pillars of Sports Medicine At The Elite Mission?

  • Consistent Communication with athlete/parent, coach, and doctors.
  • Physical Therapy and Sport Specific Training that addresses the particular needs of the athlete including their particular position on the field/court and their personal strengths and weaknesses.
  • Strict Return to Sport Testing that is based on best available evidence. 
  • Monitoring following return to play to help the athlete further reduce the risk of injury and allow them to excel in the game.
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