
Why The Best Athletes Get a Movement Screen: Insights from the Runner Readiness Screen

In the world of sports, the mantra “prevention is better than cure” holds especially true. Whether you’re a dedicated runner or an elite soccer player, understanding your body’s movement patterns can be the key to peak performance and injury prevention. This is where the importance of a comprehensive movement screen comes into play. At our clinic, we utilize the Runner Readiness Screen from RunDNA to ensure our athletes are primed for success and safeguarded against potential injuries.

The Importance of a Movement Screen

A movement screen is an evaluative tool designed to assess how efficiently and effectively an athlete moves. It highlights any deficiencies or imbalances that could lead to injury or hinder performance. Here’s why incorporating a movement screen is crucial for every athlete:


1. Injury Prevention:

  • Preemptive Identification: By identifying weaknesses and imbalances before they lead to injury, a movement screen helps in crafting targeted interventions. This proactive approach reduces the risk of injuries that could sideline athletes.
  • Customized Training Plans: Understanding an athlete’s unique movement patterns allows for the creation of personalized training programs. These programs address specific needs, thereby enhancing strength, flexibility, and overall performance.

2. Performance Enhancement:

  • Optimal Movement Efficiency: A movement screen ensures that athletes are utilizing their bodies in the most efficient way possible. This optimization leads to better performance on the field, track, or trail.
  • Recovery and Longevity: By maintaining proper movement mechanics, athletes can recover faster from workouts and competitions, promoting long-term athletic careers. We want our athletes relentless for life!

3. Injury Management:

  • Accurate Diagnosis: When an injury does occur, a movement screen provides a detailed analysis of the root cause. This helps in developing an effective rehabilitation plan.
  • Progress Monitoring: Regular movement screens during the rehabilitation process ensure that athletes are on the right track to recovery and return to their sport, minimizing the risk of re-injury.

The Runner Readiness Screen by RunDNA

Our clinic employs the Runner Readiness Screen from RunDNA, a state-of-the-art assessment tool specifically designed for runners. This comprehensive screen evaluates various aspects of an athlete’s biomechanics, including strength, flexibility, and functional movement patterns.

  1. Detailed Assessment: The Runner Readiness Screen provides a thorough evaluation of an athlete’s movement, pinpointing areas that require attention.
  2. Objective Data: Utilizing advanced technology, the screen offers objective data that can be used to track progress and make informed decisions about training and rehabilitation.
  3. Personalized Feedback: Athletes receive personalized feedback and actionable insights, helping them understand their movement patterns and how to improve them.

Why Choose Our Clinic?

At our clinic, we pride ourselves on our commitment to helping athletes achieve their best. Here’s what sets us apart:

  • Expertise: The Elite Mission’s Andrew Stube, PT, DPT, OCS, is a residency trained orthopedic specialist and Level 2 Running Gait Analyst, who brings extensive knowledge working with beginner to high level runners and soccer players.
  • Cutting-Edge Technology: We leverage the latest technology in movement analysis, comprehensive physical therapy and sports performance services to provide our athletes with the best possible care.
  • Comprehensive Care: From injury prevention, rehabilitation, and sports performance we offer a full spectrum of services tailored to the unique needs of runners and soccer players.


Incorporating a movement screen into your training regimen is a smart investment in your athletic future. Whether you’re looking to prevent injuries, enhance performance, or recover from an injury, the Runner Readiness Screen from RunDNA offers invaluable insights that can help you achieve your goals. Contact our clinic today to schedule your movement screen and take the first step towards optimal performance and injury prevention.

Tags: Movement Screen, Injury Prevention, Performance Enhancement, Runner Readiness Screen, RunDNA, Physical Therapy, Sports Rehabilitation, Biomechanics, Athletic Performance, Running Gait Analysis

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